My Story
Fast-paced lifestyles constant screen time and social media create a negative mental concoction. We lose the importance of real community and face-to-face social connection. This leads to declining mental health. This decline can continue with the increase of adult bullying on social media platforms. WHY, do some need to record someone's mishaps and throw them on TikTok? The online bully gets a bunch of likes, unearned dopamine, and an endorphins boost creating a cycle. They do not realize they would get that same mental boost by offering help and compassion.
It's essential to take a step back and breathe. Put down your phone. Be mindful of your surroundings and the thoughts you allow into your mind. Negative self-talk leads to a negative response. Telling yourself “I am so stupid” starts the downward spiral of your next actions. Instead, try saying “What I did was stupid”.
Your MIND should not be ignored. Exercise and activity are connected to your mental health. Between my studies and my personal struggles, I learned not to take the power of the mind for granted. What we eat, what we think, and what we absorb from the world around us can impact our mental health dramatically.
Regular activity improves more than your physical health. It will also improve your sex life and can add years to your life. Active people have an enormous sense of well-being. They sleep better, they feel more relaxed and they tend to be more positive about themselves.
Studies show exercise can treat mild to moderate depression and help fight depression. Exercise promotes positive changes in the brain and promotes a feeling of calm as it releases a healthy burst of endorphins.
The mind is so powerful, that even scientists are still trying to fully understand its capabilities. Focus on positive thinking, things that make you smile and laugh, along with self-positive affirmations. Being self-aware provides mental nutrition to the brain, which controls everything from our movements to our emotions. By prioritizing our mental health and practicing positive thinking, we can enhance both our physical and mental well-being.
Another great way to feed nutrition to your brain is EXERCISE!
Just like our Mind, our BODY need regular stimulation and exercise to stay sharp and energized. Daily activity is free endorphins and dopamine for your mental health and improves your bone health too. Bones are living tissue, and respond to exercise by growing stronger instead of growing frailer with age.
Exercise helps to maintain weight or control weight gain. It combats health conditions such as reducing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It can also reduce the risk of stroke and control blood pressure. Staying active gets the heart pumping, smooths blood flow issues and decreases your risk of heart disease. A regular exercise routine can help with depression, anxiety, many types of cancers, osteoporosis, and FALLS.
Your body needs fuel to keep you healthy. A nutritious diet will feed your mind, body, and SOUL! Learning to listen to your body instead of your industry-created cravings. The food industry wants to keep you in a loop of becoming hooked and consuming more and more. Don't fall victim to their attempts. Your body will always feel and perform best with real foods instead of processed ones.
Exercise is important but needs to be fueled properly to maintain optimal physical and emotional brain health. Your body and brain have a response to everything you feed it.
Not only am I a certified health coach, but I am also a figure competitor(a class of bodybuilding). I know about starvation diets and not fueling what you need throughout the day. When competing, weeks out from competition I am in a caloric deficit. It is not fun. You’re tired, and experience decreased brain function.
A balanced diet is essential. Overconsumption of processed foods can lead to inflammation throughout the entire body. This can lead to stress and depression. Pay attention to how you feel when you eat. Listening to your body is the first step to ensure your body is getting a balanced diet. Your body needs food for fuel and so does your mind. Your brain and nervous system rely on proper nutrition to function properly.
Don't expect to change your eating habits overnight. You can start small. Increase your whole foods. Learn some new recipes. Your body will feel all of your changes and before you know it, you have found your balance.
Your body needs fuel to keep you healthy. A nutritious diet will feed your mind, body and SOUL! Learning to listen to your body instead of your industry-created cravings. The food industry wants to keep you in a loop of becoming hooked and consuming more and more. Don't fall victim to their attempts. Your body will always feel and perform best with real foods instead of processed.
Exercise is important but needs to be fueled properly to maintain optimal physical and emotional brain health. Your body and brain have a response to everything you feed it.
Not only am I a certified health coach, I am also a figure competitor(a class of bodybuilding). I know about starvation diets and not fueling what you need throughout the day. When competing, weeks out from competition I am in a caloric deficit. It is not fun. You’re tired, and experience decreased brain function.
Why mental health Is so important
We are more aware than ever about mental health and how it affects our lives. We are moving away from the stigma of treatment and medications too. I have taken antidepressants off and on over the years but I never liked the side effects. That was pretty much my knowledge given I am not an expert on the topic. Sometimes we need more than daily exercise and nutrition to feel better mentally. Never hesitate to connect with your doctor about your mental health. This is an action of strength, not weakness. Ask for help. Never hesitate.
On May 14, 2020, during our first Covid lockdown, I lost my husband to suicide. This was life-changing for my whole family. I knew my husband was struggling but never thought he would take his life. I still have days of complete disbelief that he is gone. Outwardly he was happy and had everything. It made no sense. I fell into blaming myself and repeatedly asking ‘What if’ I had done something differently? I now do my best to stay clear from going down that road.
I suffer everyday with my mental health. I have anxiety and PTSD. My anxiety is always present. I have what I call hovering anxiety. It can escalate without notice. Some days it can take me hours to go out alone. Some days I don’t go out at all. I know I need to always make it to the gym,
After my husband’s suicide I got a support dog. She soon became the best decision I have made for myself. She is my reason to get up. She is my reason to go outdoors and walk. She is my reason to stay active.
The gym is my community. I go even when I don’t want to. I know I must be there. It isn’t only about working out; it’s about the people. I rarely wear headphones while training because I love engaging with others. My gym friends and clients are my mental healing without even knowing how they help. The gym is where you can clear your mind, be present and most of all, be true to yourself.
I am still working on personal growth and overcoming addiction. I want to move forward in my life. I think positive thoughts even when it's hard today. I still forget to stop, breathe and meditate. I struggle but I keep trying because I need to. Each day I learn how crucial it is to practice a self scan of mental awareness.